Twenty years after the genocide of Tutsis in Rwanda said Kagame is discovering that his castle of lies collapses like a house built on sand . Charges accumulate to know first about the attack that claimed the lives of two African heads of state on the evening of April 6, 1994 .
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The testimonies of former comrades Kagame overlap on an imprescriptible crime : the attack against the plane of President Habyarimana and his French crew was ordered and coordinated by Paul Kagame. Worse, even the beginning of the massacres of Tutsis in Kigali was launched by the RPF fighters who had eclipsed the building is for the transitional parliament , with the complicity of UNAMIR soldiers ! It sounds cynical . Yet ! Twenty years later , Kagame is ready to reoffend. As if the carnage he caused since 1990 in Rwanda, Burundi and DRC never haunted .
A confidential cable on order of President Kagame ?
Hutus in power in Burundi fell naked discovering a confidential cable said transpire strategically by the United Nations. The confidential document emanating from the Special Representative of the Secretary General of the UN warned about alleged distribution of firearms young CNDD -FDD ( Imbonerakure ) that would be in complicity with Interehamwe . The cable said that The weapons were given to children to massacre the Tutsis to ensure the reelection of President Pierre Nkurunziza for a third term .
The Delegation lobbyst Rwandans Washington DC
The Security Council of the UN has taken the bait and was quick to send a warning message to the President of Burundi to him that he would answer any Tutsi death if something were to slaughter commit to Burundi . Lobbying Kagame and all those who dream of an empire said Hima at full throttle . Thus Burundian generals accused of distributing weapons were all former rebel movement of yesteryear, the CNDD- FDD. To better shuffle the cards , the charge of the security and intelligence BNUB claimed that the Tutsis were referred to the South of the country ( Rumonge and Makamba ) Bururi . And it is far from forgetting that the military Bururi , not to mention Micombero , Bagaza and Buyoya, Burundi Headed for over three decades!
Following the release of the cable and the warnings of the Security Council of the UN, the Burundian authorities were reacting to this alarm bell to explain that everything was wrong and archifaux . Burundians were far from imagining that the genocide was actually being prepared and that Burundi would become the scene of other unspeakable killings to satisfy crazy ambitions Kagame and companies.
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And now that President Kagame, by media interposed just clarified everything. Paul Kagame just said : "In 1994 , the international community has abandoned the Tutsis of Rwanda genocide and their fate was executed. I do not expect that to happen again bear in Burundi as the world already knows that the regime is handing out weapons to extremist Hutu militia which is in league with the Interahamwe . If reported massacre of Tutsis in IDP camps and in areas predominantly Tutsi , I will intervene in Burundi with or without the agreement of the international community. " A declaration of war that dare not speak its name?
Through this declaration Burundians are invited to take nothing lightly. President Kagame , twenty years after the fact , does not hesitate to accuse the international community doing nothing to stop the genocide . As if aware that many nations know very well that he personally asked that UNAMIR left Rwanda and the RPF is allowed to take power. As if he knew that the whole world knows that the genocide of Tutsis in Rwanda says is only goodwill .
A meeting in Belgium to discover
Before the flight organized by the United Nations of the cable sent by the representative of the Secretary General of the UN in Burundi , a meeting of fans of Kagame held in Brussels. The guests were Rwandan Tutsi women married to Belgians and some Rwandan diplomats in Europe without forgetting special emissaries of Paul Kagame. We omit knowingly specify the place and date.
During this closed meeting , it was said: "The plan failed M23 and the DRC is no longer in our thank you . To venture becomes dangerous . But we have placed many pieces Bujumbura and the UN headquarters in New York that we have other Tutsis to sacrifice to gain years the thesis Hutu peril . We will organize the massacre of Tutsis in Burundi in IDP camps ( Ruhororo , Mutaho , Bugendana ) and in provinces where interethnic tension ( Kirundo, hills and Shinge Rugero ) already mounted .
Since 2013 , more precisely after the irreversible failure of the strategy of the M23, we are training young people who will always imitate behaviors Imbonerakure and Interahamwe to kill Tutsis in Burundi . This will justify our invasion of Burundi to stop the genocide ! Once conquered Burundi , we will hand over power to the Tutsi Burundian then our feet. The whole world will see us as heroes ! And after Burundi , we will continue to expand the empire. Never forget that President Museveni supports us . " And how the exchange of this meeting they found in the street? Because in the meeting, there were participants who had Rwandans that the marriage covenant ! As Rwandans are especially trust the physiognomy , the organizers of confabulation have never understood that y'avait Hutus in the room!
Other information not least is that the Rwandan who lived in Burundi before the start of the war against the RPF regime Havyarimana already have a candidate for the succession of the President of Burundi . It is a CIRAMUNDA Richard who runs a politico -military movement against the regime of Bujumbura. For some time , it would be in favor of the Rwandan President. Francophone Servicemen ( from Burundi ) argue relentlessly that candidate. The leader of the lobby is the general Kazura ..
And what will the Burundian regime of this revelation ?
He must say that the confidential cable, Burundi opinion appeared divided . The opposition and civil society have accredited claims representative of the Secretary General of the UN and called for an international investigation. Non legal Hutu leader UPRONA held a press conference to invite the world to understand that the ruling party (CNDD -FDD ) organized the distribution of weapons and wanted to kill Tutsis fear of losing the election! But for those who live in Burundi , Tutsis represent less than 15 % of the population. Why not kill the Hutu mass which represents more than 80% and that would be another victory against the CNDD -FDD and a new term of President Nkurunziza ? As time was handling, less attention was given to statements of this kind of devil's advocate. The spokesman of the ADC , an illegal coalition of radical opposition parties jumped on the deal of the cable to implore the international community to rescue the Burundi !
For the CNDD-FDD , time is no longer the statements in the media. He even failed to declare persona non grata by the Special Representative of the Secretary General of the UN who sent the malicious and cruel cable. Three ministers held a press conference to invite national opinion to remain calm and understand that the cable lying. Meanwhile, the head of the National Intelligence Service (which is derived from the CNDD- FDD rebel movement once ), the charge of intelligence in the policy (from the CNDD -FDD ), the head of intelligence in the army (from the CNDD- FDD) held a meeting and have enabled the various networks of information internally and externally. Information gathering terrible has developed a strategy to stifle the plan Paul Kagame and his allies in the region and the UN. Nothing filter.
As for those who believe too smart to predict confrontation between Burundian soldiers deployed in Somalia or RCA , they will bite the fingers . Burundians will rather acknowledge the wisdom of President Nkurunziza who worked for the brotherhood of all Burundians and for the recognition of professional military and police operations in Burundi peacekeeping . Once this on another sacrifice Tutsi trivial information for the triumph of imperialism hima who does not say his name will fall into the ears of Tutsis IDP camps , it will not be surprising to see Tutsi Burundi finally grasp the origin and extent of the danger and rise as one word vomit UPRONA , CDA and the group Charles NDITIJE . The world must not take anything lightly and prevent Kagame to realize this plan.
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