As a Rwandan refugees who fled Rwanda in
1994 as a toddler, I always take interest in what is happening on Rwandan
refugees whether inside the African continent or beyond. But most importantly I
follow closely what is happening on my brothers, sisters, uncles, grandparents,
and siblings still living in the jungle of Eastern DRC and have been the target
of western countries who feel that the presence of the Rwandan Hutu refugees in
DRC interfere with their wider agenda of looting DRC. One of those countries
that hates so much the Rwandan Hutu refugees wherever they are in the world is
the US government. This is because the same government participated in killing
Hutu refugees since 1990s when they supported the Tutsi rebellion to come and
invade a peaceful country called Rwanda. One of the reasons US did so it was
due to greed to loot the mineral rich DRC and it couldn’t have done so with a
Hutu regime in Rwanda. That is why under Bill Clinton administration they
invested heavily in removing the Hutu regime in Rwanda and making sure that
Hutus in Rwanda are crushed to the last one so that they are sure of
entrenching a Tutsi led new regime in Rwanda.
They succeeded to do so by also
being involved actively in shooting down of the Rwandan presidential plane that
was carrying two Hutu presidents Habyarimana Juvenal of Rwandan and Cyprian
Ntaryamira of Burundi, which sparked the Rwandan genocide that caught the
Clinton administration by surprise because is his wildest dream he had been
lied to that if they assassinated Habyarimana Juvenal, only 50,000 of Tutsis
could lose their lives and that could hand victory to the American supported
RPF. However, things did not happened as they had envisioned it because things
got out of control and 300,000 Tutsis lost their lives in the hands of Hutus
who had feared for their lives after seeing the assassination of Habyarimana
and had to take preventive majors against the assumed enemy, which in this case
was any Tutsi. This was not true because some Tutsis did not know what was
going on.
However the US, Uganda, Nyerere, RPF, and
UK succeeded half because in the process the RPF killed more than 1 million
Hutus in order to come to power. This was good for them because they reduced
the number of Hutus and drove more than 4 million Hutus into exile. At 7 years
of age I was part of this 4 million Hutus driven out of their motherland by the
blood thirsty and coltan thirsty Americans and Westerners who were happy to see
4 millions of Africans go to live in exile as long as they achieved their
objectives which was to take control of the Great Lakes region. From that time
Hutu community in the region has suffered a lot in the hands of American
governments from the Bill Clinton's era until now. Hutus have been reduced into
the last specifies that deserve the right to exist whether in Rwanda or DRC.
Hutus are hunted like Guinean pig under the American strategy to control the
mineral rich Eastern DRC.
Despite the fact that America has one of
the best and mature democracy in the world, the American government does not
want to see Rwanda and DRC enjoy the same basic ,civilian right to self-govern
and determine their own future. It always interferes in regional internal
affairs of the Great Lakes Region by deciding for us who should rule Rwandans
and how Hutu people should be oppressed and at what level of suffering they
have to endure. It is in this spirit that US government under President Obama
that the former Senator Russ Feingold was appointed as the US special envoy to
the Great Lakes region with a sole mission of making sure Hutu refugees in DRC and
those in the country do not enjoy peace.
He was in charge of making sure that
Hutu refugees living in Eastern DRC are exterminated using whatever possible
mechanisms to kill women and children including but not limited to use drones
to target specifically Hutu refugees in DRC and kill them in masses as it
happened in 1996, 1997, 1998, 2003, and 2009 where thousands of Hutu women and
children were raped by the Kagame's military men. Here we have to remind you
that when US backed RPF soldiers are killing Hutus do not limit their killing spree
on Rwandan Hutu refugees only but also they kill Congolese Hutus found in
Masisi, Rutchuru, and Goma. Despite all American efforts to annihilate Hutus in
DRC, its envoy Senator Russ Feingold resigns without achieving his ambitions of
seeing the Hutu refugees under the protection of FDLR are absolutely
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Some Might Ask Why is Russ Feingold
resigning as US envoy to the Great Lakes of Africa?
The former US Senator’s apparent blind
support for Kagame Junta might have become a career liability for Mr. Russ
Feingold. We all know that the issue of the Rwandan Hutu refugees is too
complex and cannot be solved by military might alone. It is more of a
psychological conviction than a political issue. If all Hutus living in Rwanda
were shown the way out of Rwanda, they would all leave Kagame and US inside
Rwanda and join FDLR. This is because they all understand that the RPF regime
was forced on them by the US might and have been living under oppression for
over 20 years of a regime they are not part of. Apart from killing innocent
Hutus and Tutsis who are opposed to the Kagame's regime, Mr. Russ Feingold had
to keep on lying to the whole world that Kagame’s regime is not killing its own
people and yet they are overwhelming evidences that the Tutsi regime is
stuffing bodies of their victims in sacks and throw them into rivers across the
Another lie which might have shaken Mr. Russ Feingold is to continue
telling the whole world that the FDLR is mainly composed by those who had
participated in the 1994 Rwandan genocide and yet many media houses both local
and international have visited the FDLR stronghold to hold interviews with FDLR
fighters who are as young as 18 years old. How could you say that a Hutu who
was born in the Congolese forest 18 years ago participated in the 1994 Rwandan
massacre? Unless you are accusing him or her for being a Hutu and yet they did
not choose to be born Hutus the same way Mr. Russ Feingold did not choose to be
born a privileged White American Folk.
Another issue that might have made Mr.
Russ Feingold sweat profusely and decide to resign is the failure to convince
the international community, especially Tanzania and South Africa to bomb
innocent Rwandan Hutu refugees living in DRC. He had hoped that the above
countries would buy his lies and support his mission to kill innocent Hutus
living in DRC regardless of their nationalities. However, as the fate would
have it, Mr. Russ Feingold forgot that his strong man in Kigali, Paul Kagame is
a Psychopath who listens to no one except himself and carries a deep hatred
against Hutu species regardless where they come from.
In addition, he forgot that the same
Kagame sent assassins to South Africa to hunt all Tutsis who no longer
subscribe to his ideology of killing, maiming, and impoverishing Hutus in the
region as the only means to cling on power. Mr. Russ Feingold might have
forgotten that Kagame sent his men to go and brutally kill a Rwandan asylee in
South Africa in the heart of another sovereign country. Mr. Russ Feingold, how
would you feel if another country sent assassins to kill American residents on
the American soil? Of course that is how Zuma and all South Africans felt when
Col. Karegeya was brutally killed in South Africa.
Mr. Russ Feingold also forgot that many
newspapers in the region have been reporting the ongoing Rwandan infiltration
into the neighboring countries such as Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi, and Mozambique
with the aim to destabilize and assassinate some of the top leaders of our
neighboring countries, mainly Tanzania. Mr. Russ Feingold were you, by any
chance, told that Kagame had infiltrated more than 600 Tutsi harlot spies in
Dodoma Tanzania to participate in destabilization mission of the Tanzania
government? Oh yes, in fact some of the Tanzanian MPs such as the Nyamagana
Member of Parliament, Ezekiel Wenje who publically supported the Kagame's move
to destabilize Tanzania due to the simple fact that Rwanda had given to Mr.
Wenje a Tutsi concubine who was spying on him influencing his political views
towards Rwanda.
After realizing that the Rwandan political problem is more
complex that his western naive thinking toward Rwanda and Africa as a whole, Mr.
Russ Feingold has offered to do one good thing for Rwanda in his life time and
resigned from his US representative job to the Great Lakes region. Although
during his tenure he has caused more harm than good to the people of Rwanda and
Congo, we won’t ask him to apologize to us but to GOD because of the harm he
has inflicted on God's creatures simply because they were created Hutus and
Mr. Russ Feingold's Irresponsible and
Potentially Criminal Statements over FDLR
Mr. Russ Feingold should reread his high
school history well. The issue of FDLR and FPR is older than all Mr. Russ
Feingold's political career. In fact the problem between Hutus and Tutsis is
older than the history of the United States of America. It cannot be merely
solved by the American and UN drones and Kabila’s shelling at innocent Hutu
refugees in Eastern DRC. Mr. Russ Feingold might have realized that the
situation in that region is a more complex and probably overwhelming. It can
only be solved by only one concoction of medicine, the all-inclusive political
dialogue that should encompass all angles of both regional and Rwandan
Hutu-Tutsi problem.
First Mr. Russ Feingold must accept the simple truth that
RPF invaded a peaceful country and assassinated President Habyarimana Juvenal
in order to take it all and subject Hutus into serfdom that they had ended 50
years early. Mr. Russ Feingold should be ready to accept that in a democratic
country all are allowed to compete democratically and also establish a
constitution that protect them minorities. Mr. Russ Feingold should stop his
hate mongering speeches against the Hutu rebellion movement FDLR because it
existed out of the will of the people and exists because of the will of the
people, and it will survive even after Mr. Russ Feingold has gone. FDLR is the
people’s voice and its arms are open to even those with diverge ideas so that
together we can build a new Rwanda that all of us are reflected in.
Some people are suggesting that you might
have resigned because of your political ambitions. That is a good think. As
someone who live in Ohio, US and went to school in US I understand the
political system in USA. I read a lot about your achievement as a Senator for
your people and for your country. When you were appointed to work on African
Great Lakes region I was so happy that someone who values democratic
institutions and peace is going to handle the Rwandan problem professionally.
put more hope in you that you would advise Mr. Obama the best way to solve the
Rwandan problem. I even told my classmates that now the discussion over
DRC-Rwanda-FDLR-M23 is going to be solved since Mr. Senator was going to have a
say and bring in American democratic perspective. However, after your second
and third press briefings I realized how wrong I was. I have no shame to tell
you that you have brought shame to the American democratic ideals because you
have put greed and dishonest forward instead of democracy and reconciliation.
All Rwandans both Hutus and Tutsis will judge you harshly as someone who came
to destroy Africans and widen division between Hutus and Tutsis during your
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As for you buddy Paul Kagame will always
see you as someone who forfeit truth over business. A man with no love for
truth. Kagame will see you as a friend who has left him in a more hostile
environment than you found him. The Rwandan history will always remember you as
someone who does not love peace but business interest. A man who thrives over
division and hatred against Hutus. As for us Rwandan Hutu refugees and other
peace loving Rwandans we will always tell you that our God never sleeps because
you have gone without achieving any of your ambitions to neutralize Rwandan
Hutu refugees.
Mr. Russ Feingold's legacy in the Great Lakes of Africa region
in general and Rwanda's social political crisis in particular is that he was an
element of division and conflict who always sought to eliminate Hutu refugees
in DRC. A man who worked hard to make sure the oppressive regime of Kagame
strives over mass killing and total impunity. However, still what remains in
our minds though is the question of why you have left before accomplishing your
“project" to have the Hutu refugees bombed.
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