In 2014 the Rwandan President Paul Kagame participated in the Kenya’s Jamhuri Day Celebrations. For those who dont understand what Kenya’s Jamhuri Day Celebrations means is like the Rwandan Independence Day. However, many Rwandans of my age and young have never had opportunities to celebrate their Rwandan Independence Day.This is because when we started knowing to differentiate colors, our beloved Rwanda had been invaded by the offspring of the Tutsi monarchy that our great parents had fought so hard to end their corvee and serfdom. These warmongers had already taken over and ended all things that defined Rwanda and Rwandans including the Rwanda Independence Day (La Journee National de l'Independence) the Jamhuri Day.
One of the reasons that the Kagames abolished the Rwanda Independence Day is because the day marks the day which our great parents ended the Tutsi Brutal monarchy that survived on sucking blood out of our people's nerves. The Kagames weren't happy that the Tutsi Monarchy ended. This is why they fought hard to enslave Rwandans again. Just going back to the Little Kenyan Girl Wendy she reminds me how old I was when Kagame and his men descended in the Hills of Bwisige. Although I was too young I could notice the fear in my mom's face when we heard that the Anti-Hutu Tutsi rebels supported by Uganda and USA had arrived in the ridges of Bwesige. I knew something terrible was on its way to finish us. It did not take long bad news started overcrowding our ears. Two of my uncles living near Bwisige Primary School had been butchered by the Tutsi led rebels. We fled to Muhura and I was only 11 years old just like the Little Kenyan Girl Wendy Waeni the young gymnast who impressed the Rwandan Serial Killer Paul Kagame during her performance in Kenya’s Jamhuri Day Celebrations (Independence Day) in 2014. Her performance was so good it melted the rock hearted Kagame prompting President Kagame to extend an invitation to the little girl to visit him in Rwanda on a fully paid trip.
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To many people this sounds fantastic but I want to tell you a story that I share with most Rwandans. Kagame likes other people apart from the Rwandans themselves, especially the Hutus because he came to power after killing millions of them with the help from Uganda and USA. When I was 11 year old girl Paul Kagame killed almost every body in my family. The first casualty was my Grandma who was living in Kagitumba Village. She was killed by the Tutsi rebels led by Paul Kagame and leaving most of my agemate orphans. It has been 25 years now since the time a devil visited Rwanda in the name of Paul Kagame. Nw after killing more than 3 million Rwandans, Mr Paul wants to appear softhearted. That lie can be bought by other people who are not Rwanda but not the Rwandans because we know him in person.
Dear Waeni finally although you waited for two good years to come to Rwanda and see how our streets are clean unlike the crowded streets of Gikomba and Wakulima Market, at least your dream came true. You saw the cleanest roads of downtown Kigali, especially in Kiyovu where Mr. President Kagame lives. However, I wanted to also orient you about my County Rwanda of which I strongly belive that Paul Kagame and his group couldnt find time for this for you.
When you boarded the plane on September 9th to the East African nation to meet the Rwandese ruler Mr. Paul Kagame, the same day women had already barricaded different roads in the Kigali streets. Maybe you didnt hear this or see it because you were in the most secured place in the country. However, your buddy Paul had a shield around his chest because he always daydream about the guys coming for his life. Dear Wendy, if you cam too close to Mr. Kagame and heard something hard like a metal pressing you, dont worry, here in Rwanda we are used to our president walking like a scarecrop stuffed with all sorts of things such as Mitumba or what we call Caguwa here in Rwanda. All this is done to protect our president who has ruled over Rwandans for 22 years with an iron fist. Dear Wendy, you are so lucky you were born in a country where every Kenyan is entitled to the same right here in Rwanda the story is different. The Bantu people are the second class citizens and are not allowed to walk in the streets of Kigali that is why you saw all roads cleans. Because if Mama Mboga ever tempted to hawk along the streets of Kigali will be shot dead by the Tutsi government. This is why you didnt see people hawking because most of the poor people in Rwanda are Hutus whereas the Tutsis are funded by their Tutsi government. They got all sorts of funds from the funds for school fees to the funds of buying underwears and G-String for the Tutsi ladies whereas Hutu women are killed on the streets of Nyarugenge while working hard to feed their impoverished families.
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I saw you on twitter today where your updates read:“I have waited this day for 2yrs and it’s finally here, starting my Rwanda’s visit today hosted by President Paul Kagame,” That happens only in Kenya. Here in Rwanda all social media are eavesdropped by the Tutsi regime. Any thing we post, especially if you are a Hutu it is listened too by the Tutsi regime, sometimes people are gunned down for tweeting that there is no water in their Nyumbakumi. If you think I am lying ask all Kenyans on social media what happened when Kagame was asked why he wanted to rule over us forever. Thank God there is a population called Kenyans they humbled him from that time whenever he comes to Kenya he is trading carefully because he knows that Kenyans dont buy his bullshits. As I conclude I wish you a fantastic stay in this land f our ancestors and know that Rwanda has the most oppressive rgime that came to power on the back of a Death Squad that killed more than 3 million people in order to arrive to power. Among those killed include Habyarimana Juvenal the former President of Rwanda in whose house you visited Kagame today. Cyprian Ntaryamira the former president of Burundi killed in the same plane that Paul Kagame shot down in order to come to power. Rwanda has more graveyards than its population. Majority of them were killed simply because they were Hutus (Bantus) and now they have been all pushed into the rural areas so that the streets of Kigali can look clean. One of the Hutu hawkers women was beaten to death by the Pro-Kagame Tutsis to keep the streets you see here in Kigali clean. That is the price Hutus have to pay everyday of their lives under Paul Kagame to survive. When you go back to Kenya salimiana sana and let them know that we are under oppressive regime of all times.