smear campaign of blackmailing HE Mlisho Jakaya Kikwete reached to the
point where Bwana Kagame threatened to kill KIKWETE the same way Kagame
has dealt with both late Presidents of Rwanda Habyarimana Juvenal and
Ntaryamira Cyprien of Burundi on April 6, 1994, which sparked the
Rwandan genocide which saw close to 1000,000 and both Tutsis and Hutus
dead in the most bloodiest conflict of a century. President Kagame also
reminded Kiwete that he can wait for his time so that he would deal with
him as Kagame dealt with Laurent Desire Kabila the late President of DR
Congo and the father of the current Congolese President Joseph Kanambe
Kabila in 2001 when Kabila Sr refused to allow President Kabila to annex
the Eastern DRC to Rwanda so that the Congolese Tutsis of Banyamurenge
become part of Rwanda. Here I have to remind the readers that the region
of Kivu in Eastern DRC is five times bigger than the size of Rwanda.
However, Mzee Kabila refused and the end result he was killed by
Kabarebe the current Minister of Defense in Rwanda.
the latest development, Rwanda has been building up military men around
the Rwando-Tanzanian border of Rusumo and AKAGERA in the preparation to
attack Tanzania. One of my closest friend who works at Rwanda National
Security Service (RNSS) Kamari not his real name for the sake of his
security confined to me that Rwanda is ready to conquer TZ (for
Tanzania) in a months time considering that Tanzanian soldiers are lazy
and Rwandan government has more than 10,000 Tutsi men working for the
Kigali government masquerading themselves as Tanzanians whereas they owe
their loyalty to Bwana Kagame and his RPF philosophical party of
expanding the HIMA EMPIRE. Kagame's plan is so elaborated in such a way
that it makes you feel that when RPF soldiers invade Tanzania it will
look helpless like the way the mighty Mobutu Sese Seko looked in 1997
when Rwanda and Uganda invaded Hutu refugee camps in Eastern DRC and
went around killing, maiming, slaughtering women and children, young and
old as well while the international community stood by to see how the
blood of Hutus flow freely in the jungle of Ituli. Since Kagame has been
killing innocent people for over 20 years without any sign of any
justice, he is at it again this time around with Tanzanians and South
Africans with their democratically elected Presidents KIKWETE and JACOB
ZUMA. Kagame started with killing two of respected Tanzanian professors
who had been working for the Rwandan ICTR Court in Arusha because,
according to Kagame they have been defending the genocide suspects being
tried in Arusha for their roles in the Rwandan conflict which led to
the genocide. After killing this innocent people in Dar es Salam, Rwanda
and killed other Rwandan refugees who lived in Mozambique with an
absolute international support and total silence from organizations such
as UNHCR claim to protect refugees but Rwanda refugees. Here I have to
remind our readers that UNHCR has along been supporting the Kagame's
regime both financially and politically to mistreat Rwandan refugees
wherever they are. UNHCR reduced food for Hutus refugees in the refugee
camps of Eastern DRC to starve these refugees who were composed with
children, pregnant women, disabled people, and sickly ones so that they
go back to Rwanda to be slaughtered by the RPF regime. In fact UNHCR
continued unabated to torture Rwandan refugees especially Hutu refugees
by deporting them by force from wherever they had fled to and took them
back to Rwanda to face AGAFUNI, the Kagame's used hoe that he uses to
kill his opponents since 1990s. UNHCR forcifully repatriated innocent
Rwandan refugees in the most inhumane way possible from Malawi, Uganda,
DRC, Burundi, Tanzania, Zambia, Congo Brazzaville, and the most
notorious operation of all executed by UNHCR and RPF represanives led by
General CHARLES KAYONGA in Franceville, Gabon where innocent Rwandan
refugees who had trekked over 8000 Km on foot were conspiredly deported
to Rwanda by UNHCR where most of them were brutally murdered others
tortured to death by RPF. according to various stories close to 1700
Rwandan refugees deported from Gabon more than 578 people were brutally
killed by the RPF soldiers in Kigali alone.
Kagame has been committing atrocities with impunity he continued to
feel that he can control the whole of Africa. He attacked DRC with the
blessings of Bill Clinton and Tony Blair. He went ahead and killed close
to 8 million Rwanda Hutus and Congolese people without any justice. Click here to read and watch videos
detailing the brutal killing of Hutu refugees in DRC the former Zaire.
All ths killings were blessed by UN,US, and UNHCR. This happened hardly
after 2 years when RPF soldiers were blessed by UN, US, and UK to go and
massacre close to 4000 innocent internally Hutu refugees in KIBEHO as
it is reported by Australian humanitarian soldiers who witnessed the massacre (follow this link) and click here to watch the Kibeho Massacre.
Kagame has enjoyed immunity to kill Hutus and those who oppose to Bwana
Kagame without any sense of guilty or fear of facing justice as long as
Kagame is serving the US,UK interests by expoering ruthless soldiers to
keep peace in other countries then Kagame is allowed to kill whomever
he pleases back at home in Rwanda. This is what has been happening for
over 20 years to the point that Kagame feels now a giant in hunting
opponents and gowning them down.
is not something new in Rwanda of Kagame. Many Rwandans know the word
UTUZI TWA MUNYUZA. This is a type of poison that Kagame's intelligence
uses to kill the opponent without any scientific or medical detection of
the cause of the death. This kind of POISON has been in use for over 30
years. RPF started using it in early 1980s when the HIV/AIDS was
starting in East Africa. UTUZI TWA MUNYUZA could be used to kill
prominet Hutus of whom the RPF deemed to be anti war in Rwanda. This
kind of poison continued to be used during the 1990s when RPF had
invented Rwanda. This did not stop there and when RPF grabbed power in
Rwanda it continued using the piison to kill those people it felt that
they threatened its power. The difference between the RPF poison called
UTUZI TWA MUNYUZA and other kinds of poison is that it can kill you in a
mysterious way hwereby if the victim is taken for a postmortem they
either find that the victim has died of heart attack, kidney failure, or
prostate. They never detect a real cause of death. A good example is
the death of Lt. RUZIBIZA ABDALAH who was the first to reveal to the
CYPRIEN. After saiying that in the media Kagame spent a good deal of
money to hunt his head and later RUZIBIZA died mysteriously in Europe.
The same poison was to be used in South Africa to kill both click here to listen to the conspiracy between
Col Dan MUNYUZA discussing how to use UTUZI TWA MUNYUZA to poison
NYAMWASA AND KAREGEYA in SOUTH AFRICA. Kagame has send more than 500 men
and women into Tanzania carrying bottles of RPF poison to eliminate all
prominet Tanzanians who are close to President Kikwete an even Mze
Kikwete if possible. Our source in DMI and RNSS have told us that the
plans are underway now because they know that if RPF does not do
something about it with urgence after the defeat of M23, soon or later
opposition leaders outside of Rwanda might find a way to destabilize
Rwanda. "We are the people who dont wait until things happen to us. We
did it in DRC when Kabila wanted to betray us, we did in Burundi when
NDADAYE won elections to fault our plans to expand Tutsi empire, we will
still do it this time again if Mzee Kikwete does not come down and beg
forgiveness from President Kagame. Our main are already in Tanzania our
sisters are flocking the most respected clubs in Dar es Salam to lure
Tanzanian leaders so that we can eliminate them one by one, our
informant said."
Tanzania does not work hard and see beyond Kigalis rhetoric they might
find themselves where DRC found itself since 1997 to this day. Kagames
plan is not to see Tanzania peaceful because Kagame has never forgiven
Tanzania for having helped the Hutu rebels ascend to power in Burundi.
Now Kagame says that Tanzania want to do it for the second time by
suggesting that RPF should negotiate with FLDR. Kagame and Museveni have
not been happy to see President Obama so close to President Kikwete
when he toured Africa. Another recent development is to see Obama
inviting Uhuru Kenyatta to DC this year whereas Museveni and Kagame are
left in the cold. Watch out the development is not pleasant because
Kagame still wants to expand his Tutsiland empire in the region and they
have always believed that Jakaya Kikwete and Do Santos of Angola have
been the obstable.
This story is with no sense and partial. Vive Rwanda and go to hell all haters.
ReplyDeletethis message is completely destructive, you are sowing hate btn tz and Rwanda, you are planning this jealousy seed but you will not succeed because we like good cooperation and neighborliness. we have no anything bad for Tanzania and others countries allover the world. Rwanda my country be blessed