By Ntamuhanga Amiel
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I am a cousin to one of those Hutu refugees who were forcibly
returned to Rwanda by UNHCR Gabon, which was represented by Ms. Louise in
concordance with the RPF government, which was represented by Gen. Charles
Kayonga. Once they were returned to Rwanda most of refugees were brutally
executed others were put under house arrest where they were subjected to daily
physical and emotional torture. Before I start widely exploring to what befell
this innocent Hutu refugees in Gabon, I want to add that this people had fled
on foot from various refugees camps which had formerly been established in
Eastern DRC such as Kibumba, Kahindo, Gatare, Mugunga, Kiwanja, Panzi, ENRA,
Nyangezi I, II, III, and IV, Kavumu, Gako, and other refugee camps that were
found in Eastern DR Congo the former Zaire. I want to give you a brief
chronology of what happened to the day that innocent Rwandan refugees were forcibly
deported from Franceville in Gabon to Kigali Rwanda. How did really UNHCR and
the world's powerful countries decide to leave the Rwandan Hutu refugees for
the RPF and its allies' onslaught?
Rwandan Hutu Refugees in Goma, October 1996
The RPF, Uganda, and Burundi together with Kabila's rebels’
invaded Hutu refugee camps in Eastern DRC killing any living creature the rest
were forced to go back to Rwanda. In the process young Hutu refugees were
singled out and were either butchered or sent back to DRC to fight their
relatives who were fleeing into interior DRC. In Sake the RPF, Burundian, and
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Ugandan soldiers
supported by the American helicopter and armored vehicle came and attacked
millions of Hutu refugees who had gathered in the Sake shopping center. They
started shooting and shelling at refugees from the ridges of Sake hills.
Thousands of refugees lost their lives and others sustained life threatening
injuries. This indiscriminate bombing at refugees continued for three good days
until one early morning young people had to come together to save our lives.
The EX-FARS, Contingents, and Congolese Hutu combatants pushed through the
hills of Sake and created a humanitarian corridor that saved millions of Hutu
Rwandan, Burundian, and Congolese refugees. Many refugees swam over the hills
of Masisi. Of course RPF soldiers were at our heels slaughtering the weak ones
that lagged behind either because they were sick, tired, children, mothers with
babies on their back, elderly people, or pregnant women were the first to fall
on Kagame's brutal sword. Despite all this mass onslaught the American
government made sure its media do not broadcast the mass murder that was taking
place against Rwandan refugees. In addition, the UNHCR which claimed to protect
refugees was the first to brand innocent Hutu refugees as genocidaires who are
fleeing justice. That is how we all were left helplessly to be butchered as
chicken under the butchers' knife at abattoir.
Rwandan Hutu Refugees in Walikale, November, 1996
After two months of running under RPF, Kabila, Ugandan, and
Burundian bombs, we arrived in Walikale. This was like a meeting place because
this is the place where Hutu refugees from North Kivu and those from Hutu
refugee camps of Bukavu converged. Out of 4 million
refugees who were found in
both Bukavu and Goma, more than 1.5 million Hutu refugees had managed to
soldier on toward the unknown destination. This time around there were also
around 300,000 of Congolese refugees from South and North Kivu. Majority of
them were Congolese Hutu communities from Rutchuru, Masisi and other Congolese
regions who were also being targeted by Tutsi led RPF soldiers. Here we have to
remember that all these attacks were led by General Kayumba Nyamwasa and Gen
Kabarebe. The RPF were catching up with Hutu refugees who were tired and
extremely exhausted because of long distance on foot and hunger. The Hutu
refugees continued their exodus toward Kisangani and now they were on the road.
They continued from Walikale to Amisi where they established the first camp of people
who were extremely tired, sick, and pregnant women. There were around 150,000
refugees from all courses of life. Other refugees who were still strong mainly
comprising young people went and established another refugee camp at an
aerodrome of Tingitingi in Maniema region. This was near the Christmas of 1996.
It was after three months of fleeing without stopping at all. Refugees had
witnessed RPF slaughtering their relatives and others die of sickness or
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Rwandan Hutu Refugees in Tingitingi, Christmas of 1996
More than 300,000 Rwandan Hutu refugees and more than 50000
Congolese refugees and more than 30000 Hutu refugees from Burundi. All of them gathered
in Tingitingi hoping that UNHCR and other humanitarian organizations will come
to their help but they did not. Instead the then President of UNHCR Sadako
Ogata and European Commissioner Louise Arbor visited Tingitingi and looked at
the emaciated children and told them, "you must go back to Rwanda or you
die in this jungle." Two months after the sad news from Sadako the RPF
attacked the Tingitingi refugee camp. Around half a million refugees were
forced to cross over River Lubutu. In the process the bridge was overburdened
and collapsed into River Lubutu. Thousands of refugees, children, mothers,
pregnant women, and elderly people sunk into the river until they made a new
bridge. The refugees who crossed the river at around 5am managed to cross over
bodies that were accumulated in that river. Families were lost forever in
Lubutu river. In Kisangani when the refugees were taken to Ubundu, RPF soldiers
disguised as Red Cross volunteers and lured all refugees from Eastern Zaire to
Ubundu refugee camp and were killed at night when the so called Red Cross volunteers
put on RPF uniforms and started shooting randomly killing more than 10000
refugees overnight. Those who survived continued all the way to Kisangani,
Ubundu, Ikela, all the way to Mbandaka.
Rwandan Hutu Refugees in Mbandaka, March 1997
This time, majority of refugees had given up and decided to remain
in the Ituli forest of Equator. Others had continued to run from the enemy who
had now gained ground because he had accessed the routes leading to Kisangani
and the River Congo and the Kisangani Airport.
RPF was determined to kill Hutu
refugees at any cost and the international community had given them right to
kill anything looks like Hutu. They continued them killing spree from Ubundu
all the way to Mbandaka. At Mbandaka, the RPF soldiers disguising as Congolese
soldiers they brought a ship which was supposed to assist refugees to cross
over to Lukolela in Eastern Republic of Congo. However, after more than 5000
refugees mostly Hutus and those Congolese refugees from Eastern DRC. After they
boarded the ship which had been mined with explosives it was ferried into the
middle of River Congo and abandoned their full of refugees, children, elderly
people, and women then the explosives were detonated. Thousands of refugees
died in that river. Those who survived crossed over the border to the Republic
of Congo in Lukolela refugee camps others went all the way down to Brazzaville,
the capital of the Republic of Congo. These refugees in Brazzaville were moved
to Bilolo refugee camp.
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Rwandan Hutu Refugees in Brazzaville, Bilolo in the Republic of
Congo May 1997
Rwandan Hutu refugees together with other refugees that were in
Kinshasa and Brazzaville were relocated to Bilolo Refugee camps. However, it
did not take long before the Cobra and Ninja for both Sassou Ngwesso and Pascal
Litsuba started fighting. Some of Rwandan refugees and other refugees from
other countries decided to continue fleeing again from Brazzaville towards
Gabon, Central African Republic, and Cameroon. Others went up to Guinea. Some
were so tired and exhausted decided not to flee no more instead they stayed in
Brazzaville to face whatever challenges could come. Others continued fleeing up
to Lekoni in Bongoville, Gabon. When they arrived in Gabon they were taken to
Rwandan Hutu Refugees in Lekoni, Franceville, Gabon June 1997
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In Lekoni the Rwandan refugees were not so lucky because they
found Tutsis who had lived and married Gabonese women and they immediately
established an anti-Hutu refugee newsletter called Lekoni Matin (meaning Lekoni
morning). This RPF propaganda mouthpiece was designed to instigate hatred
against Hutu refugees in Gabon. The newspaper published stories defaming
refugees and calling them genocidaires. The hatred against innocent Hutu
refugees grew faster and later Paul Kagame and his government which was led by
Twagiramungu Faustin they dispatched General Charles Kayonga to go to Gabon and
negotiate Rwandan Hutu refugees deportation. In charge of UNHCR in Gabon was a
lady by the name Louise who hailed from Cameroon. She was given huge amount of
dollars in order to assist in influencing Gabonese politicians to expel Rwandan
Hutu Refugees. Those who were involved in accomplishing RPF plan to forcibly
deport Rwandan refugees from Franceville to Kigali was also the Governor of
Franceville. UNHCR facilitated the process by telling refugees that they must leave
Gabonese soil because UNHCR does not have land but in true sense Ms. Louise did
everything to make sure Rwandan Hutu refugees were expelled from Gabon. The
process was just peaceful but militarized.
What Really Happened to the Rwandan Hutus Refugees in Franceville,
Gabon 1997?
UNHCR asked the Franceville governor to bring soldiers to threaten
and intimidate refugees so that they accept to be deported back to Rwanda. In
present was Gen. Charles Kayonga, and the US representative. They all brought
enough money and they were staying in the nearby hotel at MVENGE
INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT. Refugees of course refused to accept
what UNHCR
representative Ms. Louise was asking them to go back to Rwanda. It was not an
easy thing for refugees who had walked more than 6000km on foot to be told that
now you are going back to Rwanda and yet you have spent the last three years
running from RPF and now you are told you are going back to Rwanda. What was
shocking is that they had been numerous reports on Human Rights Abuse in Rwanda
and one of them was a UNHCR sponsored report which was to be known as the Garson
Report which never saw the light because of UNHCR and US pressure to kill it.
This report outlined thousands of cases of people who disappeared. Most of
those disappeared were people who sometimes related to some of these refugees
who had been running away to save their lives. Now they are being told to go
back to Rwanda and be butchered as their relatives who had been killed by RPF.
In addition, a RPF representative Gen. Charles Kayonga who was a Colonel then
had flew all the way from Kigali to come for refugees' heads. However, UNHCR
overlooked all this and subjected these refugees to brutality and possible
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When Franceville government brought in soldiers they were given
instructions to beat us and rape our sisters, daughters, and wives we were
with. That is what happened they separated men from women and put women in
their own room and raped them day and night. They also put red pepper in
women's private parts whereas women they were spread with red pepper in their
eyes. It was a three day's ordeal which saw two people losing their loves. At
the end of time refugees had nowhere to go we accepted to be taken back to
Rwanda because it was no longer possible to remain in Franceville Gabon and
they did not want us to let us go back to Congo Brazzaville, two refugees had
already died of beatings from Gabonese gendarmerie and Rwanda was determined to
have our heads decapitated. Then UNHCR representative known by only one name
Louise said that they wanted to give Rwandan refugees exile somewhere else in
another country. When all refugees were inside the plane they were all taken to
Rwanda. More than 540 refugees comprising children as young as 1 year old were
taken to prison in Camp Kigali where they were tortured both physically and
mentally. They used to be beaten up three times a day in what they termed as breakfast,
late lunch, and supper. This included mob beatings where more than 10 solders
could swam on one person hitting with whatever they could lay their hands
545 Rwandan Hutu Refugees from Gabon to Kanombe, Kigali July 1997
To their arrival in Kigali the Gabonese Rwandan refugees were
received with beatings, torture of all sorts and threats that they were going
to be killed. It did not take wrong the RPF started killing one by one. They
were denied food, water, and medicines. All these refugees were put in a
clandestine torture chamber where they couldn’t sleep or sit but spend their
entire life inside day standing. Many people started swelling their legs and
testicles. The RPF denied refugees water and food but promised them enough
beatings. It is in this process that many refugees started dying of beatings
and other sort of torture. Briefly the following is a list of those who
succumbed to death due to RPF torture after they were forcibly deported from
Gabon to Rwanda by the UNHCR under the supervision of Gen. Charles Kayonga:
Some of the names are of your brothers and sisters who were killed and disappeared
and you didn’t know that RPF and KAYONGA sucked their last blood. All the list
below were killed by starvation and beatings. Others were killed by a hammer in
their heads.
Rwandan Hutu Refugees in the Hands of Gen. Karake Karenzi,Capt. Jimmy Tumwesigye, and W.O Zibera Tharcisse
These refugees were mixed with their relatives of whom some of them used to be in EX-FAR. They had fled like other refugees since they had families and relatives, children, wives, parents, and cousins. When they arrived in Kanombe they were received by Karenzi Karake, Capt. Jimmy Tumwesigye who is the spy for 402 Brigade. They selected all young people and those presumed to be educated and those who were in EX-FAR and drove all of them to Camp Kigali where they kept them in two rooms which used to be arm stock for EX-FAR.
When they arrived here, Gen Karake ordered Gen ibingira who was the commander of 402 Brigade and Capt Jimmy Tumwesigye to make sure that they thoroughly torture and kill those Mabuso (prisoners). Here we have to remind the readers that these Hutu refugees were with their families which included small children. Some of those notorious kids who were torutred together with their fathers and siblings are Imani who was a year old and Ndangamira who was only 7. Capt Jimmy Tumwesigye made sure he fullfilled his boss' instructions. I remember Gen Karenzi shouting, "make sure we count at least 20 bodies a day."
The torture marathon started by feeding this people boiled corn cooked with ten times the normal salt to make sure they damage their kidneys. Few days later these Hutu refugees and members of EX-FAR started dying in numbers. To make sure that other prisoners did not know what was happening those who were agonising and closer to dying, W.0 Zibera who was known to the victims by only one name Tharcisse ordered Kadogo (the child soldiers) to remove those who are almost dying and take them to the mortuary to die there. That is what happened to all the bodies whose names are outlines later in this article. After the victims breathed their last breathe, they were put in black paper bags and loaded into W.0 Tharcisse's car for anonymous destination, but later we learned that they were taken to Lake Muhazi to be fed the newly established Kagame's crocodile farm at Lake Muhazi. This was a strategy to make sure that no one will ever know what happened to hundreds of EX-FAR and their families. I have to remind you that among these refugees there were some Burundian refugees who were tortured together with Rwandan Hutu refugees who had been forcefully deported by UNHCR and Gen Charles Kayonga. All these bodies were ferried in twilight to make sure no one saw them.
Below is a list of some of the Rwandan Hutu refugees and EX-FAR killed by Gen. Karake Karenzi,
Capt Jimmy Tumwesigye, and W.O Zibera Tharcisse. All this innocent blood was shed because of the notorious RPF schemes and thirst for vengeance supported by UNHCR Gabon Office. These people were also butchered because they were born Hutus.
Rwandan Hutu Refugees in the Hands of Gen. Karake Karenzi,Capt. Jimmy Tumwesigye, and W.O Zibera Tharcisse
These refugees were mixed with their relatives of whom some of them used to be in EX-FAR. They had fled like other refugees since they had families and relatives, children, wives, parents, and cousins. When they arrived in Kanombe they were received by Karenzi Karake, Capt. Jimmy Tumwesigye who is the spy for 402 Brigade. They selected all young people and those presumed to be educated and those who were in EX-FAR and drove all of them to Camp Kigali where they kept them in two rooms which used to be arm stock for EX-FAR.
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Gen Karake Karenzi |
The torture marathon started by feeding this people boiled corn cooked with ten times the normal salt to make sure they damage their kidneys. Few days later these Hutu refugees and members of EX-FAR started dying in numbers. To make sure that other prisoners did not know what was happening those who were agonising and closer to dying, W.0 Zibera who was known to the victims by only one name Tharcisse ordered Kadogo (the child soldiers) to remove those who are almost dying and take them to the mortuary to die there. That is what happened to all the bodies whose names are outlines later in this article. After the victims breathed their last breathe, they were put in black paper bags and loaded into W.0 Tharcisse's car for anonymous destination, but later we learned that they were taken to Lake Muhazi to be fed the newly established Kagame's crocodile farm at Lake Muhazi. This was a strategy to make sure that no one will ever know what happened to hundreds of EX-FAR and their families. I have to remind you that among these refugees there were some Burundian refugees who were tortured together with Rwandan Hutu refugees who had been forcefully deported by UNHCR and Gen Charles Kayonga. All these bodies were ferried in twilight to make sure no one saw them.
Below is a list of some of the Rwandan Hutu refugees and EX-FAR killed by Gen. Karake Karenzi,
Capt Jimmy Tumwesigye, and W.O Zibera Tharcisse. All this innocent blood was shed because of the notorious RPF schemes and thirst for vengeance supported by UNHCR Gabon Office. These people were also butchered because they were born Hutus.
Date killed
Name of the victim
03.02.98 03.02.98 11.02.98 18.02.98 18.02.98 06.03.98 06.03.98 08.03.98 08.03.98 09.03.98 11.03.98 11.03.98 14.03.98 15.03.98 19.03.98 21.03.98 23.03.98 23.03.98 25.03.98 26.03.98 27.03.98 27.03.9828.03.98 29.03.98 29.03.98 30.03.98 30.03.98 01.04.98 01.04.98 02.04.98 04.04.98 06.04.98 07.04.98 28.08.98 01.09.98 08.09.98 09.09.98 12.09.98 02.11.98 01.04.98 02.04.98 04.04.98 06.04.98 07.04.98 28.08.98 01.09.98 08.09.98 09.09.98 12.09.98 02.11.98 01.04.98 02.04.98 04.04.98 06.04.98 07.04.98 28.08.98 01.09.98 28.08.98 |
Nzarora Uwimana Sadiki Niyirora Sindikubwabo Bigirimana Singirankabo Rwaheru Ntiyamira Kalimba Ntezilizaza Ntirushwa
Liboneye Mamera Tuyikorere Gasherebuka Habimana Muhayimana Niyonzima Ndayambaje Nyaminani Mapagadi Harelimana Nsengiyumva Namubonye Manase Kayitare Harerimana Mujyarugamba Uwiragiye Ntawusigumuruho Kagaba Nkurunziza Camarade Karekezi Muhawenimana
Sibomana Mukezabatware Mungarurire Ndagijimana Ndayisaba Murangira Sibomana Tereraho Hakizimana Ngerageze Nzabanterura Hakuzimana Ndagijimana Sezikeye |
Theogene Evariste Ntawumenya Laurent Innocent Bernard Oswald Felicien Nestor Jean de Dieu Samuel Ephrem Alias Mushi J.M.V Felicien Charles Jean de Dieu Aloys Innocent J. Damascene Paul J.M.V Juvenal Jacques Innocent Vincent Herman Ildephonse Innocent Straton Alexis Alias Kaboko Justin Sabibu Tunis Hakim Phocas Seraphin Venant Jean de Dieu Mathias Eliphaz Jonas Francois Jean Pierre Michel Anastase Thadee Jean Bosco Gilbert Jean Baptiste Jean Marie.V Celestin Twaha |
Kibali Kivumu Rubavu Musebeya Maraba Shyanda Bulinga Kiyombe Bulinga Mugambazi Rutongo Runyinya Gisuma Nyamagabe Nyamagabe Nkuli Kayove Kanama Mwendo Nyamugali Karengera Kayenzi Nkuli Nyabisindu Rwamatamu Karambo Huye Nyamabuye Maraba Rukara Kivumu Mutura Nyarutovu Gaseke Nyamugali Murambi Nkuli Rwamiko Rutobwe Nkumba Shyombwe Rushashi Rutongo Mushubi Kabatwa Ngoma Mutura Gishyita Mugusa Kinyami Masango Nkuri Bicumbi Kirundo Gaseke |
Byumba Kibuye Gisenyi Gikongoro Butare Butare Gitarama Byumba Gitarama Kigali Kigali Butare Cyangugu Gikongoro Gikongoro Ruhengeri Gisenyi Gisenyi Kibuye Ruhengeri Kibuye Gitarama Ruhengeri Butare Kibuye Gikongoro Butare Gitarama Butare Kibungo Kibuye Gisenyi Ruhengeri Gisenyi Ruhengeri Byumba Ruhengeri Gikongoro Gitarama
Kigali Kigali Satinskyi Nyamugari Butare Gisenyi Kibuye Gitarama Byumba Kibuye Ruhengeri Kigali BURUNDI
This story was narrated by one of the RPF soldiers who used to serve in 402 Brigade
This is poisoning the mind of Rwandese as you used too. I should be a time of not using lies that have ruined your mind because of the Tutsi blood that is overflowing your hands and hearts to turn the page trying to make you innocent, spotting the pictures of Tutsi you've killed in 1994 genocide and lying these are Hutu murdered. Indeed, you are ashamed to come back in Rwanda because of what you know you personally did, and are accusing those who returned Hutu in their homeland, where they are free from your confusing ideas!!!! courage uzarinda upfa ugitekereza gutya ngo uhishe ibyo wakoze ariko ntibizagukundira, amaraso yabatutsi wamaze niyo akuvugisha aya magambo yo kubeshya gutya!!!!
ReplyDeleteMr. Anonymous, ibyo uvuze nukuri uyu muntu wanditse iyi nkuru numwicanyi mubi ahubwo. Yamaze abantu afite isoni zo gutaha, none arashaka no kwangiza ibitekerezo by'abanyarwanda batahutse bakaba batuye murwababyaye, arimo araharabika ababacyuye kubwumujinya wuko bahunze ibitekerezo bye bibi nkibi