The body of Madam KANZAYIRE from Gataraga, Mutobo killed by RPF |
HISTORY OF RWANDA To understand what I am talking about you must have a
bit of Rwanda's history. The land of Rwanda was inhabited since around
800 years. the first people to come to Rwanda were pigyms from Ituli
forest they were hunters and gatherers. They were occupied with their
hunting skills. they discovered a land lying next to the lake of Kivu.
they came hunting and found plenty of animals. they decided to settle in
the North near Mount Kalisimbi. these are Batwa of Ruhengeri and
Gisenyi. Another group went after their prey up to the Mount Mukura
where they settled near the forest of Nyugwe. This are Batwa We find in
Gitarama,Gikongoro, and Kibuye of Rutsiro. This is a brief history of
the first settlers in Rwanda. The second group of people to settle in
Rwanda are Hutus who are from the bantu group of Cameroon. This group
came down the river Congo following a fertile land to farm. They found
beautiful hills in the East side of Ituli forest near Virunga forest.
They came farming as they could also enjoy the horizon beauty of this
land. They used to stay on the top of the hills. They wanted more land
to farm. they spread southward. some groups went behind the volcanoes of
Muhabura,Gahinga, and Sabyinyo. Others southward and crossed river
Nyabarongo, Akanyaru,and Kagera. They settled in the savan land of
Karagwe. Those who went toward Bunyoro, they settled in Bufumbira. These
were the second settlers of Rwanda. Then came the third group. This is
the group of people who originated from South Egypt and South West of
Ethiopia. They were herders and pastoralists. This group some historians
and Anthropologists confuse it with some Nilotes but the truth is that
they share nothing in common. They came from the Horn of Africa and
walked eastward looking for green pastures to flock their cattles. they
found beautiful land extending from Ankole, Rutchuru, Masisi, Murera,
and Rukiga in Rwanda then they spread Southward to the west of Rwanda.
They propered because this land had minimal Tsetse Fly to interfere with
their livestock. This is a third and last group to settle in Rwanda.
All these three groups met in Rwanda not by any invitation but because
of the Economic Migration that forced three of them to in search of
greener pastures in the wealthy region of Central Africa near to the
Western Great Rift. because of this forced immigration none of them
should feel superior than the other because none of them should claim to
have discovered Rwanda. May be the credit should instead be given to
the Batwa (Pigmies) from the Ituli forest since the history tells us
that they are the first to settlein Rwanda. Otherwise the rest both
Hutus and Tutsis found Mr. Twa already settled in the land. The only
social failure is that they were not concerned with social structures
but social communion where none of them was bothered by authoritative
structures. It was enough for them to know that age matters. Whoever was
older than the other deserved an automatic respect from the young ones.
He/She was not concerned of using such privilege to oppress the rest
but to protect them. The younger ones used to find peace and comfort
from their elders. That was a Twa society. Among all these three tribes,
the Hutus are the majority with 85% followed by the Tutsis who are 14%,
and Twa 1%. When the Hutus came to settle in the Thousand Hills Land,
they established an informal administration which was a bit elaborated
than the one of their indigenous brothers from the Ituli forest. They
had what we call "ABAHINZA for UMUHINZA in sigular. This was someone who
was to oversee the welbeing of the community. He was chosen based on
his roles to solving, advising, and making wise decisions concerning
matters that could arise from the community. These people were much
respected in the society. They helped to ensure that there was a harmony
between these two communities. This went for centuries until the coming
of Tutsis who were pastolists and herders. They believed that they were
the only to rule not the others. They believed to be superior and the
rest to be subordinates. This ended the harmonious rule of Hutus and
Tutsis. Tutsis came and killed all the Hutu leaders who were there as
ABAHINZA. Then they hanged them to the log and were eaten by voltures.
After killing the ABAHINZA, the Tutsis instored their own Kings like
those ones who used to rule in the Horn of Africa. This Kings were
called ABAMI in prural and UMWAMI in sigular. This people were so crual
until they could use fattened Hutu children to stand up to address to
the public. This made this Tutsi kings look ferocious and cruals. After
killing Hutu elders and putting themselves to power. They inversted
dictatorship using their cows. They said that only them who were
entittled to owning and giving out cows. They asked those who wanted to
own cows for their milk and cheese, to come and serve in their household
for years. This led to the genesis of slavery among Rwandan community.
Those who wanted cows could do a hardwork in the Tutsis courtyards for
years and years just to win one cow. This went on for more than 500
years untill Africa started hosting another uninvited race. This is the
time that Europeans colonized Africa from 1,700AC. The germany was given
Rwanda,Burundi, and Tanzania as East Africa Germany until the time when
Germans were defeated then Rwanda and Burundi were handed over to
Belgians as a protectorate states. When the Belgians took over, they
fostered the Tutsi ideology by favoring them than their countrymen Hutus
and Tutsis. They described Tutsis to be taller than the rest thus they
should be supported to enslave the rest. This went on for years until
some Hutus and Twas who had accessed education through religious
institutions got enlightened to what was happening around the continent
and they statred fighting for the independence of Rwanda. This period
led to the UN sponsored referandum which gave the country the 1962
independence. The Hutu got power through the peaceful revolution and
Tutsis feared a perceived revenge due to what they did to Hutus. Some
Tutsis remained in Rwanda but who were closer to power fled the country
and went to settle in neighboring countries such as Uganda, where the
majority went to, Zaire, Burundi, and Tanzania. These Tutsis in exile
didn't stop to try their luck by invading Rwanda to topple down the Hutu
regime. The first timwe they invaded Rwanda was in 1967 just 5 years
after independence. They attacked from the south of Rwanda in a region
ccalled Bugesera. This is because, this people had a support from their
Tutsi brothers who were ruling in Burundi. Their attemp was futile
because they were defeated and went underground for a decade. In 1977
they came back in the Nyungwe forest. This is still in the south of
Rwanda. This is the time they nicknamed themselves as INYENZI
(Cockroaches). Because, they liked attacking in the middle of the night
the same way Cockroaches bite people in the middle of the ight when
there is no light. They were defeated again then went for several years.
This time some of us where not yet born. We even forgot about the issue
of tribes and most of our generation started intermarrying with Tutsis
though it was very hard for a young male Tutsi to marry a young famale
Hutu because of their ideology of superiority. the young male Tutsis did
not have many problems mingling with Hutu females only that they feared
to take our sisters to their families because it was regarded as a
Taboo. On the 1st of October 1990, the Tutsi movement of Rwanda
Patriotic Front (RPF) composed by young generation some of whom do not
even know when they parents left Rwanda, they took arms and attacked
Rwanda with the ideology of revenge of what Hutus did to their parents
three decades ago. They got support from leaders who come from Rwanda
but ruling other countries such as President Museveni of Uganda among
others. They also profited the USA interest in Zaire minerals. They
found favor in the leadership of Bill Clinton who was the President of
USA with his AFRICOM foreign policy (
F. William Engdahl: Research Associate and the Center for Globalization
and author of ‘A Century of War) I remember I was a standard 4 primary
pupil at a village Primary School of Busogo. I heard people taling about
it I did not understand what it meant to attack Rwanda. Some of the
older people were narrating the story of those who fled independence and
now their sons wanted to come back and take back the power by whichever
means. I could not understand why this people not happy with
independence which was put in place by UN. Some days after I started
watching photos of maimed people, beheaded children, and pregnant women
who had been aborted because they had carried Hutus. It was a puzzle,
and confusion swandwitched by politics of divided and confused Hutus of
Big Stomaches such as Twagiramungu Faustin nicknamed Rukokoma (Grand
Mass Protest) that he used to call to paralyze the Habyalimana's
leadership. It went on for some years then here came negotiation in
Arusha Tanzania sponsored by African Union Organization (AUO) and UN.
The RPF movement of Tutsis was given 40% in power sharing just for the
sake of the much needed Peace. But the Tutsis because they were backed
by USA and they had assurance of taking over the country at whatever
cost, they refused power sharing though they comprise 14% of the entire
population of Rwanda. They went on with the attacks and preparation and
violated the ceasefire brokered by a struggling and shaky AUO. THE
ORIGIN OF RWANDAN GENOCIDE On 6th of April 1994, the Tutsis backed by
Uganda, President Nyerere of Tanzania, Buyoya of Burundi, and Bill
Clinton of USA, decided to violate the ceasefire and trushed the peace
accords signed in Arusha. They refused to take 40% allocated to them
because they were sure of taking over the whole nation, and fulfill USA
mission of establishing AFRICOM Command to Africa. They shot down the
plane which was carrying two Hutu Presidents: Habyaliman Juvenal of
Rwanda, and Ntaryamira Cyprien of Burundi. This sudden death of Juvenal
Habyalimana crashed a fragile ceasefire and sparked a massacre of Tutsis
and and moderate Hutus whom were believed to be allies of RPF. This
masacre was a trap that USA and RPF set in order to portray Hutus to the
world to be cruel and merciless, animal beings. This could lead to the
whole world to curse and isolate all Hutus wherever they are. The RPF
and Clinton government succeeded to draw Hutus into their bloody plan.
The Habyalimana's plane was downed, the people poured into the streets
killing Tutsis and moderate Hutus, because they feared that if RPF got
power, it could enslave all Hutus. However, little did they know that
this killing would make their become the reality. The 1994 Rwanda
massacre brought to an end the Hutu rule which they had fought for many
years to bring independence to Rwanda. The whole world saw Hutus as
criminals and ruthless species thanks to Clinton government, though
Hutus reacted to the pre-planed act of killing Habyalimana. Instead of
taking to Terrorism Court such as Guantenamo Bay those who shot down the
two presidents, the international community started a witch hunt of all
educated Hutus as a rapid action to counter the truth and fear that
they could expose the true genesis of what happened. After succeeding to
depict all Hutus as murderers, killers and genocidaires, the clinton
government handed over Rwanda to Kagame and his tribesmen. Millions of
Hutus landed into the wilderness of Kibumba-Goma in Eastern Zaire.
RWANDAN REFUGEES IN GOMA REFUGEE CAMPS In Goma, hundreds of thousands of
Hutu refugees died from the poisoned food and drinking which was
contaminated by RPF infilitrators who were in Goma selling food and
drinking water. more than 200,000 people died from this planed disguised
RPF murder. while in Rwanda the Tutsis were mourning for theirs who
died because of the Kagame's thirst of power, beyond the borders her
children were dying like flies, and nobody cared because it was
universally believed that all Hutus had committed massacre. Unlike the
Rwandese saying "Imana Yirwanda Yilirwa Ahandi Igataha Irwanda,"meaning
the Rwandese God spends His day elsewhere but He spends His Night in
Rwanda, this God of Rwandans had completely gone for the day and forgot
to come back for the night. People were helplessly crying for help from
nowhere. those who survived the RPF poison in Goma, they went to the
interior of Zaire (DRC) to hide from the oppression of RPF, UN,USA,and
UNHCR. Those who remained in the camps were exposed to daily threats and
intimidation from UNHCR. The UNHCR reduced the food ratios from day to
day to force them to go back to Rwanda and face the Butcherer (RPF). THE
by USA government invaded the refugee camps of Bukavu, Nyangezi, and
Goma in the Eastern DRC. This marked the beginning of real Hutu
massacre. According to UN report, nearly 3M Hutus from Rwanda and
Eastern DRC were killed in Zaire (DRC). The RPF soldiers were selecting
young people from the elderly ones, putting the young people to the
right and the elderly people to the left. Those who were on the right
side who were generally young enabled people were slaughtered in Sake,
and Kibati in Goma, and the elderly were sent home. Those who managed to
escape the RPF sword in Goma took the dense forest of Ituli from Goma
to Masisi, Walikale, Hamisi, Tingi Tingi, Lubutu, Kisangani, Ubundu,
in Congo Brazaville. Very few Hutu refugees who managed to survive the
RPF massacre. In all this none ever questioned the RPF killing, to them
it is a crime to kill a Tutsi and Okay to kill Hutu. A Hutu deserves a
sword while a Tutsi deserves justice. This is visible in what UN
manufactured as the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda which is
supposed to try all Hutu intellectuals wherever they are to give justice
to Tutsis who invaded a sovereign Rwanda in 1990s and killed Hutus
untill they were tired to kill ordinary citizens and decided to kill two
Hutu presidents, and until today they have not been brought to justice.
To understand well what has happened, and what is happening in Rwanda
now, one needs to read Nick McKenzie
Uncovering Rwanda's secrets - World - theage.com.au, and
UN 'shut down' Rwanda probe - World - theage.com.au.
international community wants real peace in the Great Lakes Region, if
it wants true democracy in the region, if it wants to have a lasting
solution in the region, all the people who committed crime against
humanity must be brought to books to answer their charges. All blood
shed is blood whether in Rwanda, Burundi, or DRC. The International
Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) has since its inception been biased
in applying justice. It has been a shame to the law practioners who have
spent years overlooking the truth which is nothing else but truth and
hunting Hutus only instead of using the court mandate of bringing all
the people who committed crimes against humanity in Rwanda from 1991 to
1995. Now the ICTR has been nicknamed "NANGABAHUTU" meaning I HATE HUTUS
by fellow Rwandans who sees the court as the promotion of hatred among
Rwandan communities. What UN and USA should understand is that none is
going to force Hutus or Tutsis to succumb to political and power hungry
If the international community does not want to see a
mass revolution in region, they should help the Rwandan administration
to put in place a people's constitution. This is a constitution that
will give power to the people and protect the minority. This is a
constitution that will recognize that Rwanda has three tribes:
Hutus,Tutsis, and Twas. This constitution should be able to protect all
the Rwandan citizens regardless of their ethnic background. This would
be a constitution that recognizes and respect the history of Rwanda, it s
evolution, and its integrity. This will help to restructure Rwandan
communities and make them live in harmony with the respect to each other
A majority Hutu narrative but nay Tusi narrative would have a different out come. Why? Numbers don't lay. 85% Hutus, 14% Tusi and Batwa 1%.
ReplyDeleteGiven geographical area of Rwanda or Burundi anyone with their right mind would wish the narrative where one came from does not hold any form of science.
Identity and land mass minus majority rule is critical.